The Australian moment – How we were made
for these times
By George Megalogenis
One suspects this book was conceived and
written in the aftermath of the GFC in 2009/10 when Australia really did look
to have dodged a bullet and before the slow down of 2011 which, at least in the
South East of the country, felt as bad as anything since the early 90s (if not
the mid 70s).
The book’s central thesis however remains
valid, even if subjectively it is hard to relate to. Megalogenis argues
persuasively that Australia, of all the developed economies in the world, is
best placed to weather the current difficult economic times. To make his point
he gives a lucid account of Australian economic and political history since the
mid sixties. For readers of a certain age and disposition this is a very
engaging march down memory lane to a time when politicians had not had media
training and when the issues of the day were the kind and extent of economic
and social reform. The personal peccadilloes of our elected representatives,
while noted in passing, were scarcely the point.
Megalogenis’s argument is essentially that
each of our governments since the early 70s can take some credit for producing
the uniquely robust set of policies which puts us in the solid position we now,
apparently, enjoy. Whitlam lowered tariffs. Fraser decisively changed the
immigration mix. Hawke and Keating floated the dollar, deregulated the banking
system, managed the trade unions and produced fiscal surpluses when it was
appropriate. Howard gave us the GST and didn’t stuff up what Hawke and Keating
had achieved. Rudd handled the GFC according to the textbook before imploding.
And now, even if there is a double dip recession, Australia is well placed to
deal with it. Not that you would know that watching the news (and George has
something to say about what is wrong about the intersection between our media
and politics, not all that different to what Lindsay Tanner said in Sideshow).
Megalogenis is one of the more interesting
journalists writing about Australian economics and politics today. He has some
interesting gripes (down on baby boomers for example) but while clearly dry
economically does not follow the News Limited script. Highly recommended.
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