Stalin's Team
Sheila Fitzpatrick
here is the thing about Stalin and historiography. He manages to crystallize
every major ideological conflict of the twentieth century. As a result, the
debate about Stalin oscillates between those like Robert Conquest who portray
Stalin's regime as the embodiment of totalitarianism and Stalin as the greatest
mass murderer in history and a bungler to boot; those like Simon Sebag
Montefiores whose Court of the Red Tzar depicts Stalin as brilliant,
charismatic and cruel; and the revisionists, such as Sheila Fitzpatrick and
Arch Getty, who seek to interpret
Stalin as a rational albeit ruthless political operator.
thing is for sure, while Stalin was the boss (and that's what they called him
in Russian) millions and millions of Soviet citizens died. Now admittedly,
about twenty million of those were killed by the Nazis but that still leaves a
massive butcher's bill.
yet, what if Russia had not industrialised during the twenties and thirties at
break neck speed and at the cost of massive human suffering? Well no T-34 tanks
for a start. And the Germans could probably have held onto Festung Europa
until they developed nuclear weapons. It really does not bear thinking about.
In On
Stalin's Team Sheila Fitzpatrick seeks to revise the view that Stalin
operated as dictator surrounded by sycophantic yes men. The opening of many
Soviet era archives since the 1990s does mean that it is possible to revisit
the Cold War Robert Conquest view of Stalin; the risk is - as Fitzpatrick
acknowledges in her introduction - that by humanising Stalin and interpreting
his actions as, in a sense rational, one can be seen to become an apologist for
his crimes.
makes a pretty compelling case for her argument, at least up until the post war
period. It is indeed striking that Stalin's own family suffered as much or more
in the Great Purge as other Politburo members. Also the phenomenon of
"dosage" - the way in which team members fell gradually from high
office to the Gulag or worse - is indeed best explained by Stalin's need
to sell his decisions to other team members.
the book lacks however is a detailed analysis of what the various team members
actually achieved in their areas of relative autonomy (with the exception perhaps
of Molotov). Orzhonikidze in industry
and Mikoyan in trade for example have fascinating stories to tell but, to be
fair to Fitzpatrick, this would require a much larger book.
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