In the light of recent bleatings about Australia's rate of population growth I thought I'd post this (somewhat critical) review I wrote of the biography of the big daddy of "small Australia". Originally published in the Canberra Times.
Griffith Taylor – visionary
environmentalist explorer
By Carolyn Strange and Alison Bashford
National Library of Australia. 283 pp.
By any measure Griffith Taylor had a fascinating life: he studied geology at
Cambridge; went on Scott’s last Antarctic expedition; founded Sydney
University’s school of geography and became a controversial public
intellectual; later he taught in Chicago and Toronto. A building is named after
him at Sydney University. And yet he is largely forgotten. His books are out of
print and the Griffith Taylor Building is a mediocre example of the
International style.
But life is long and Griffith Taylor is
enjoying something of a renaissance. Timothy Flannery in The Future
Eaters describes him as ‘one of the greatest and most courageous scientists
Australia has ever produced’ praising him for his opposition to the “Australia
Unlimited’ boosters of the 1920s and to the White Australia policy.
In Griffith Taylor Strange and
Bashford revisit their protagonist’s well documented life and retrofit him as a
visionary and environmentalist by emphasizing his early careers as a geologist
and meteorologist. Considerable space is devoted to his participation in
Scott’s last expedition where he served creditably. The book’s thematic
organization means however that his early career – up until the mid 1920s – is
rehearsed in a number of different contexts and this tends to obscure the fact
that Taylor, while enjoying a successful academic career in the United States
and Canada from the late 1920s had by that time ceased to be a significant
public figure.
But even as an academic geographer Taylor’s
achievement was questionable. The version of human geography espoused by
Griffin Taylor and known as ‘geographic
determinism’ is neither hard science nor humanity. While it is indubitable that
humans live in and are affected by their physical environments it is far from
clear why primacy should be given to the physical environment (any more than,
say, economics, culture or history) as an explanatory factor in human affairs.
If this is in doubt then the rationale for geographic determinism becomes
somewhat murky.
The problem goes deeper than mere
methodology. Following Scott’s expedition, Taylor returned to Australia, a made
man, and worked in the Bureau of Meteorology where he became fascinated by the
relationship between climate and race. This is deeply unfashionable territory
these days and rightly so. But by the 1920s western culture was saturated with
concepts of race and social Darwinism and Taylor found a receptive market for
his ideas on human evolution and geography. He became known as an advocate of
geographical determinism – the idea that the physical environment has a
decisive role to play in the formation of human culture and evolution. Taylor exhibited
a talent for self promotion which, combined with his large literary output and
facility for presenting ideas diagrammatically, secured him plenty of space in
the newspapers and a significant public profile during the 1920s.
Taylor was always something of a maverick.
He went to the Kings School but didn’t like rugby and later in life his ideas
were not all popular. Above all Taylor considered himself a scientist and if
scientists thought that a particular skull shape was the most highly developed
form of human then so be it. In 1927 he published Environment and Race the
basic thesis of which was that the more advanced races had taken control of the
most desirable portions of the earth, pushing their less advanced cousins to
the periphery. The most advanced race however was not the ‘European’ but the
‘Mongolian’. This conclusion, by the way, led to considerable interest in his
work in imperial Japan.
Taylor was relaxed about intermarriage
between Europeans and Asians and maintained that the concept of pure race was
absurd. He also wrote however that the ‘negro peoples…stand on a lower plane
than white or Mongolian. Racial mixture with them may be a deterioration for
the other races’. But not to worry: one of his predictions, which receives less
publicity than his pessimism about Australia’s carrying capacity, is that
negroes will ‘ultimately disappear’ – bred out by half castes; just as was
happening to the Australian Aborigine. ( refer p340 of Environment and Race,
Oxford U.P. 1927).
So Taylor’s ideas on race were quirky but
hardly cuddly. What really got him into trouble in the 1920s (and what Dr
Flannery applauds now) was the suggestion that the Australian continent had a
limited capacity for population growth. He predicted a maximum capacity of about
twenty million people. Many considered this unpatriotic at a time when
Australia was thought by many to have the potential to be another America.
Taylor’s work in fact has little bearing on
whether the population limitation environmentalists such as Dr Flannery are
right or wrong. Taylor predicted a maximum number which is close to the
present population but his assumptions were idiosyncratic. He thought for
example that Europeans would not live in the tropics. He thought much of
Western Australia to be useless; not forseeing that we could one day dig it up
and sell it to China (and use the proceeds to pay for desalinated water).
But what Taylor’s career does show is that
the certitudes of intellectual fashion change over time. Taylor was a talented man
who invested his considerable ability and energy in areas of study which today are considered frankly
embarrassing. Geography goes on because there is something informative in
seeing humans in the context of their environment but the lessons we draw from
that study have changed radically. In Griffith Taylor Strange and
Bashford have given us a detailed and handsomely illustrated account of a man
who is almost forgotten and probably rightly so; but fascinating all the same.