Australian History since 1900.
If it is true that we are doomed to repeat the
history we do not understand then our own history should be particularly
compelling. Australian history however has always suffered from an image
problem. The most common complaint is that it is boring: nothing happened. This
view reflects a very narrow idea of what constitutes an event. While Australia
has been mercifully spared the horrors which make the history of Russia, Europe
and China so terribly fascinating there is still plenty to work with: a unique
set of political and economic arrangements resulting from Federation and only now being finally
replaced by something else; participation in two world wars and numerous other
regional conflicts; a depression and a massive immigration program. While we
have avoided disaster it was sometimes a close run thing. And the intellectual
struggle to own this history and bend it to contemporary purposes continues
In particular, the history of the near past can be
extremely tendentious. History is often conscripted to prove that a particular
party line is correct. In Paul Kelly’s The End of Certainty – the story of the 1980s history is made to
show the inevitability of the economic rationalist world view. Kelly is
certainly on to something: the particular set of constitutional, legal and
economic arrangements which were put in place in the first decade after
Federation and which Kelly describes as
the ‘Australian Settlement’ were definitely unraveling in the 1980s and Kelly provides a detailed account of the political dimension to this process. Kelly
however has a very large axe to grind – the benefits of free market economics
and globalisation - and as the result
is that a book which could have been a very important analysis of a critical phase in Australian history often
descends into partisanship. His proposition that the protectionist policies of
the early twentieth century were an economic failure from their inception would
come as a surprise to the Australians who enjoyed post war prosperity.
But the concept of an Australian Settlement hammered
out in the wake of Federation is a productive one. As a creation story,
Federation has its problems. No redcoats firing on patriotic citizens; no
tumbrels creaking off to the guillotine; no scheming Otto von Bismark or red
shirted Garibaldi. Just a bunch of lawyers in waistcoats, sporting beards that
would not be out of place in an outlaw biker gang, negotiating free trade and
protection. The interest in the story however lies in the unique set of
arrangements which the new nation devised.
Gavan Souter in Lion and Kangaroo succeeds in
breathing life into names which are often seen but little remembered such as
the Victorian Deakin – cultured, widely read but indecisive – the Queenslander
Griffiths - upper class and an amateur
translator of Dante - and the New South
Welshman, Barton – a classics scholar who enjoyed a long lunch. He surveys what
he sees as the key formative influences of the new nation and they are a
revealing selection: parliament, the high court, the relationship with Britain
and two of the bloodiest battles of the great War in which Australians
participated, Gallipoli and Pozieres. Souter understands that institutions and
events are ultimately people and he has an eye for the telling detail.
In his Acts
of Parliament Souter provides a comprehensive narrative history of Federal
politics until the 1980s. The politics of the first decade of federation is
fascinating because it explains the content of the Australian settlement.
Protectionists, led by Barton allied with the young Labor party to keep the
Free Traders (Paul Kelly’s spiritual ancestors) out of power and to enshrine
white Australia in the first substantive legislation passed by the Federal
Parliament. Legislation providing for a national industrial arbitration system
followed soon after.
The achievement of the first decade of Federation
was to stabilise the class conflict which had seen Australia on the verge of
civil war during the industrial disputes of the 1890s when Queensland
pastoralists, under the banner of ‘Freedom of Contract’ (sound familiar?) made
a determined attempt to destroy the rural union movement. The bitterness of
this struggle which was a tactical defeat but strategic victory for the unions
explains much about the following century of industrial relations and political
history in Australia. Defeated by scab labour and special constables the
unionists decided to get even not
angry. The result was the Australian Labor party. Ross McMullins Light on the Hill is a detailed account of the ALP from its
origins to the Hawke government. Its treatment of the early history of the
party is illuminating in that it highlights how central to the Australian settlement were the
concerns of organised labour, be it in restricting non white immigration or
legislating for compulsory arbitration. Labor could be so influential, though
rarely in power, because of the division of the conservatives between the New
South Wales based free traders and the Victorian protectionists.
The new nation enjoyed a high standard of living,
democratic government and its citizens were among the longest lived in the
world. But something was missing. World War One however was to provide the
missing element. Blood. Some 69,000 Australians died in WWI and the overall
casualty rate was over 50% of men enlisted. One can understand the need to find
something redemptive in this shambles.
The recent growth in attendance at Anzac day
commemorations is an interesting phenomenon which undoubtedly reflects the time
devoted to it in schools as well as widely felt need to participate in unifying
ritual. For those who want to get beyond the mythology, Les Carlyon’s Gallipoli
is a well written conventional
narrative history which places the campaign in its strategic context and
provides considerable information about Turkish as well as Allied motivation
and objectives. Patsie Adam-Smith’s Anzacs is a history of the first AIF
with fascinating insights into matters such as the comparative rates of
venereal disease in the allied armies. The Australians led the way in this area
as well as on the battlefield. Somme Mud by EFP Lynch is the memoirs of
an Australian infantry man, written in 1921 but only recently rediscovered and
published for the first time. This appears to be the genuine article – the
forward is by the respected military historian Bill Gammage – and is that rare
thing: a detailed first hand account by an intelligent and thoughtful observor
who somehow forced himself to confront and record the appalling reality he
The starting point for reading on the first AIF and
in many ways the originator of the Anzac ‘legend’ is CEW Bean’s Official
History of the Australia in the war of 1914-1918. At twelve volumes and in
amazing detail – often actions are recounted at the platoon level with
individuals being named - this is not
for the faint hearted. Bean was not jingoistic and was careful to discount
exaggerated claims as to Australian martial prowess but he is also assiduous in
finding admiring commentary from both allied and enemy observers. The overall
effect is somewhat adulatory. A somewhat less uplifting impression is conveyed
by The Broken Years a selection of Australian soldier’s letters home,
edited by Bill Gammage, many of which depict the brutalising effect of
incessant slaughter on the correspondents. Particularly by 1918 the Australians
hated the enemy and exalted in their destruction. It was this hatred which
seems to have driven the Australians to perform so well in the critical battles
of 1918.
Many of those battles were directed by an Australian
– John Monash. Almost forgotten now, Monash was the Allies most successful
general on the Western front. Roland Perry has written an excellent biography, Monash:
the Outsider who Won a War which makes intelligible his tactical
brilliance. John Laffin’s The Battle of Hamel focuses on the first major
set piece conducted by Monash which prefigured his later successes and set the
pattern for the defeat of the German’s on the Western front.
After the war to end all wars there was a brief
period of economic recovery but the twenties in Australia were not prosperous.
Falling commodity prices and industrial unrest characterised the political
environment. Just when the Scullin Labor government had finally achieved office
after a landslide victory the New York stock exchange crashed and the chairman
of the Commonwealth Bank Board, in line with the economic orthodoxy of the day
demanded massive expenditure cuts. Australia did not pull out of the resulting
downward spiral until World War Two. Jack Lang by Bede Nairn is a biography of the ‘Bigfella’ and
is of particular interest for its treatment of how the conventional economic
wisdom of the day guaranteed an exacerbation of the economic crisis. Lang, a
real estate agent from what was then western Sydney, knew little and cared less
about economics and his attempt to run a populist line against they who paid
the piper was short lived.
On any view the thirties were a dark time. Fascism
in Europe, Stalinism in Russia, militarism in Japan and economic collapse
everywhere. Racism went without saying. Something had to give and when it did
we had the greatest conflagration in world history. For Australia, two fronts
had particular significance: North Africa and New Guinea. North Africa is
particularly remembered for the role of the 9th division in the
successful defence of Tobruk, and in
inflicting the first major defeat on German land forces of the war at Alamaine.
Somewhat unfairly, the role of other Australian units in the earlier successful
campaign against the Italians in North Africa and the Vichy French in Syria are
less well remembered.
The first siege of Tobruk took place at the nadir of
Allied fortunes in WWII, in mid 1941. Its successful defence prevented the
Germans from securing a forward supply base and was instrumental in keeping
them from conquering Egypt, the Suez Canal and accessing Middle Eastern oil.
Tobruk’s defenders were largely Australians of the 9th
division with British artillery and some Indian units. The commander of the 9th
division, Morshead initiated a policy of active defence with nightly patrols
contesting no mans land. My grandfather, transferred into the 2/15 battalion
during the siege had told me about these patrols, which were certainly the
highlight of his war, and I was amazed to find that the original operational
reports of them are available on line through the Australian War Museum web
site by reference to the battalion involved. For those with access to first
hand accounts, it is fascinating to find certain details – the Gurkha penchant
for removing ears; the role of a Salvation Army padre in providing hot food
- confirmed in the voluminous primary
and secondary sources available. Let Enemies Beware- the History of the 2/15
Battalion by R Austin is based on
operational diaries and memoirs of participants. Tobruk and El Alamaine
by Barto Maughan is a detailed and scholarly military history of these
campaigns while Alamaine – the Australian Story by Mark Johnston and Peter Stanley focuses
on the 9th division’s role in the Alamaine campaign.
Detailed military history is not to every ones’
taste and it would be fair to say that what these works gain in credibility
they lose in readability. In this regard the north African campaign is not as
well served as some of the WWI campaigns or New Guinea.
And not all interest is healthy. Since most
Australians have at least heard of Tobruk there is a fighting chance of getting
something published about it. The Last Man Standing by Peter Dorman
focuses on the war of one Herb Ashby. Unfortunately the book is not transparent
about its own methods but appears to be an example of what is sometimes called
’faction’; an unholy blending of the genres of popular history and historical
fiction. This hybrid genre is characterised by extensive speculation about what
its protagonist must have been thinking at any given time and reconstructed
conversations which no one could possibly remember. The forward suggests Mr
Ashby was extensively interviewed but absent any scholarly apparatus it is
impossible to know and what you are left with is moderately entertaining
historical fiction.
Peter Fitzsimmons Tobruk is in a similar vein
but is at least up front about the method adopted. Fitzsimmons is described on
the fly leaf as Australia’s most ‘beloved popular historian’. This must have
come as a surprise to him as in the introductions to both Tobruk and Kokoda
he has the decency to make clear that he feels free to make up some of what
he writes (while not changing any known facts). A ’novel like feel’ is how he
puts it.
This reviewer would prefer the genres to not blend.
The problem is that the moment you start making things up – what a person was
thinking on seeing something – or the details of a conversation – you are
guessing and potentially misleading people. Veteran soldiers may not be
appalled by death; they may indeed be rather callous about it. Or they may be
much more scared than they admit to. Absent first hand accounts (which of
course have their own problems to do with self justification and hindsight) the
question about what is in a past figure’s mind is best left to historical
The other iconic campaign of the war for Australians
is Kokoda. Again its fascination
lies in the fact that it was a predominantly Australian operation. The Japanese
in fact never had a chance of taking Port Moresby; had no intention of invading
Australia; and were criminally neglected by a high command that had started to
believe their own propaganda about ‘Japanese spirit’ (‘yamato damashii’). But
the campaign, particularly in its early stages, showed Australian troops performing both very well against the
odds –in the case of the 39th battalion and, in the case of the 53rd
battalion, very poorly.
Paul Ham’s Kokoda is highly readable, covers the campaign from both Japanese and
Australian perspectives and avoids mythologising. Peter Brune’s Those Ragged
Bloody Heroes focuses on the
divergent experiences of the 39th and 53rd malicia battalions. The
contrast is revealing of the importance of leadership, training and equipment
and is a timely reminder that not all Australians are born soldiers.
Brune’s The
Spell Broken is about the little known Milne Bay campaign in 1942 which was
in fact the first significant defeat of the Japanese army in WWII. Also
undeservedly forgotten are the post Kokoda campaigns to clear the Japanese from
central New Guinea. John Coate’s Bravery
above Blunder is a detailed military history of the Huon Peninsular
campaign in 1943 and describes one of the largest scale operations ever
undertaken by Australian troops independently.
Peter Thompson’s The Battle for Singapore is
a balanced account of the greatest disaster to ever befall British or
Australian arms. Hellfire by Cameron Forbes is a thoughtful treatment of
the Malaya campaign and the subsequent experiences of captivity of Australian
POWs. Unusually, Forbes makes an attempt to understand the how the Japanese
military code of bushido could be perverted so as to permit the Japanese
army to commit war crimes with such sickening
albeit spasmodic frequency.
Flack by Michael Veitch deals with Australian
participation in the air war. In contradistinction to the ‘factionalised’
accounts referred to above this is good popular history. Veitch lets his
informants speak for themselves and resists the temptation to embroider. Voices
of War – Stories from the Australians at War Film Archive, edited by
Michael Caufield is a selection of oral histories drawn from both Australian
men and women who participated in of conflicts
From WWI until the present. First
person accounts are both fascinating and problematic. But they form a valuable
reality check for more document based histories.
The end of World War II brings us well into the era
of living memory and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a clear
perspective as to what matters and what is ephemeral. It is worth reflecting on the fact that the world that Australians fought to defend in North Africa
and New Guinea in the 1940s has almost entirely disappeared. White Australia
went in the late sixties; high tariffs in the seventies and eighties; the last
bastion to fall was probably the industrial relations system despatched by the
most recent amendments to the Workplace Relations Act. All of this territory is
highly contested as even a casual perusal of John Hirst’s Sense and Nonsense
in Australian History would
suggest. Recent history blends into journalistic editorial and a definitive
history of the post war period in Australia remains to be written. When it is
it will certainly be worth a look.
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